Your brand's digital footprint

Thu, 16/08/2018 - 08:28

It’s time for us to acknowledge the importance of a brand’s digital presence. It can either be a user’s first point of call when enquiring about the brand or an additional source of information. Either way, this information needs to be a representation of the brand and serve a purpose.

Discovering the digital space and navigating these turbulent waters can be a marathon and not a race. Sometimes, especially in the beginning stages, a brand’s digital presence might not be as crafted as it is today.

That’s why a brand’s digital efforts need to be guided by careful consideration and active strategic planning. Because, once a piece of content has gone digital, getting rid of it is not as easy as it would be if it were above the line. 

For brands to make the most of their digital presence, consulting a digital marketing agency is a good place to start. After all, nurturing your online presence sometimes takes a village.  


All digital efforts, once published, are permanent. Yes, it’s possible to delete a post, change a photo or update content but it’s close to impossible to delete all traces. Whether someone shares it, records it or simply sees it and talks about it, once it’s gone live, there’s no way of knowing where any digital traces might lurk. 

This means that it’s of the utmost importance, now more than ever, to be very conscious when disseminating brand-related information in the digital space. For this reason, working with a team of professionals is the best approach. Not only because their main objective is to communicate your brand positioning accurately, but also because they do it daily and likely know the pitfalls to watch out for. 


While tackling the digital sphere then becomes daunting, it’s still arguably the most important element of a brand’s presence. With the amount of information and data out there, users are more inclined to search for the exact information they need. And when your competitors are on top of their game when it comes to digital, not having an online presence can be detrimental to any brand. 

Let’s look at it this way. As the popular phrase says, when a tree falls in the woods and nobody was there to see it, did it even happen? This can be applied to digital content. When you don’t promote your brand through digital channels, does it even exist?


One of the trickiest things to master in the digital world is knowing that a brand’s digital footprint is relative. If your digital footprint stretches far and wide but a competitor’s reaches further, it’s likely that users will opt for the competitor because they equate exposure with value and trustworthiness. 

The same can be said about users’ interactions with your brand. A big part of your digital footprint lies in what people have to say about it. If your digital efforts have a positive effect but users’ opinions are negative, your efforts won’t mean much until that perception is changed. 

Working with a reputable digital marketing agency makes all of this possible. With a good strategic backbone, a clear understanding of your audience and, most importantly, a clear understanding of your brand and its unique selling points, you can make your digital footprint work for you. 

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Rogerwilco’s team of strategists, business analysts and data scientists is here to help.